What is a sitemap and how do I create it?
What is a sitemap and how do I create a sitemap? Why is that so important? If we speak decades ago, we will know that before there were links on the main government website, the same page was called "Sitemap". Even so, some websites use the same HTML sitemap. But over time, the sitemap has also changed a lot. Nowadays the sitemap is published in XML instead of HTML as the target audience has now become a search engine instead of people.
Recently someone asked me about the sitemap. How is this sitemap a? What is a sitemap and how do I create it?? Lots of these questions. So I wondered why I shouldn't give some information on this today. All new bloggers who say they are starting new blogs should know this. Today we are going to know what is a sitemap and how do I create it? with full information available. So what is the deadline? Let's begin.
The sitemap is simply a list of the pages on your website. Let's see what Google has to say about What is a sitemap. According to Google (What is a sitemap), a sitemap is a list on your website or blog that lists all of your blog pages and that the Google search engine couldn't find if you didn't include it in that sitemap. By creating and submitting a sitemap, Google is made aware of its existence. Otherwise, this page will sometimes not be crawled by the Google spider.
The sitemap is very important for any website or blog as it informs the search engines about the pages of your blog and shows what the content of your blog is and how often they are updated. This information enables search engines to display your content in search results.
What is a WordPress XML Sitemap? | What is a sitemap
Today our article is about " What is a sitemap and how do I create it?".The sitemap is a list of pages that can be accessed by all users The XML sitemap also indicates which links are most important and how many pages are regularly updated by the cone. The sitemap will not improve your search ranking, but search engines can crawl your website well.
Why do we need an XML sitemap?
By the way, from the point of view of search engine optimization, a sitemap is very important for every website or blog. As I said earlier, a website does not rank a website with the sitemap, but it definitely does so that a page that is not indexed will definitely be indexed. When viewed on a special basis, it is very good for a new blog or website. This is because new blogs don't get a lot of backlinks in their individual posts because they don't show up in the eyes of search engines. And we are very pleased to find them for the benefit of the search engines.
If we talk about old websites we can know that search engines continue to crawl them very easily because their posts have been fully indexed. And as they update their posts, search engines are also aware of this to correct the crawl rate of these websites. This increases the general visibility of these websites dramatically.
How to find a sitemap for a search engine
Search engines are very clever at finding sitemaps. Every time you publish a new post, a ping hits these search engines so those search engines know that this website's sitemap is changing.
What is a sitemap | Different types of sitemaps?
Today Our blog Post is "What is a sitemap and how do I create it?' .and here we are going to know how many types of sitemaps there are. By the way, there are mainly two types of it.
- Sitemap HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
- XML sitemap (expandable markup language)
- Now the XML sitemap also consists of two parts
- Sitemap index (how many URLs are sitemaps on a website)
- Sitemap URL (contains information about the final URL on the website)
- URL sitemaps also consist of three parts
- The sitemap for websites (also known as XML sitemap in the community)
- Image sitemap (URL of these images on the website and their details)
- Video sitemap (details of videos on the website)
What is an HTML sitemap?
Today Our Post of a blog is "What is a sitemap and how do I create it?' and HTML SITEMAP is a type of sitemap. As already mentioned, it is such a map that stores all the information about the website, as well as its location. With their help, we can very easily get all the necessary things for the user. If we look at an example, we might think that a website has thousands of web pages and that it is a very humble task to find something to benefit a user, but with the help of the sitemap, this task can be made easier. Walk.
What are XML sitemaps?
Today Our site Post is "What is a sitemap and how do I create it?' and XML is a type of sitemap. XML is basically like a language that stores information in an object's predefined format. It is impossible to understand this format in our favor, but search engines can understand it very easily. So we can say that XML sitemaps are primarily designed for search engines to be able to give search engines information about a website's internal and external resources.
Video sitemaps
Today Our website Post is "What is a sitemap and how do I create it?' and video sitemap is a type of sitemaps.We can create a video sitemap. To do this, we can create a new separate file or provide video information in an existing sitemap. Adding information increases its visibility in Rich Snippet. Remember, google can only crawl video formats like wmv, mp4, mpeg, mpg, m4v, asf, flv, swf, avi, ra, and ram.
Image sitemaps
Today Post is "What is a sitemap and how do I create it?' and image sitemap is another type of sitemaps. The image sitemap is very important if you want your image to appear in Google search results. As in the video sitemap, we can add image information to the same existing sitemap.
How to create a sitemap
The biggest benefit of using the sitemap XML is that we include metadata. It is advantageous that we can all provide additional information in the content of the page. An XML sitemap is created as follows.
Step 1: First create a text file, name it "Sitemap" and save it as XML.
Step 2: After that we need to inform the search engine how the sitemap was encoded which we need to use the following script for.
1 <? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
2 <urlset xmlns = ”http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9 ″>
3 </ urlset>
Step 3: In the next step we add all relevant URLs. We do this before we close the ruleset tag. Below are the steps to complete the URL entry.
1 <url>
2 <loc> http://www.website.com/ </ loc>
3 <lastmod> 12/12/2012 </lastmod>
4 <changefreq> every day </ changefreq>
5 <priority> 1 </ priority>
6 </ url>
Here the loc tag is used to link the page. Here you can put your URL between these tags. lasted indicates when the page was last modified. The change frequency indicates how often you have changed this page, the change frequency (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly ...). You have to utilize "never" for the archived URL.
You can use the priority tag to order your pages according to their priority. The priority values range from 0.0 to 1.0 (1.0 being the most important). By default, the page priority is 0.5. Even if all pages are prioritized, the ranking will not increase because everything is relative. The loc tag is required here, but the last mod, change freq, and priority tags are optional.
Step 4: After you've created SiteMap, it's time to upload it to your site. It needs to be added to the root directory itself. There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a sitemap:
- All URLs must come from the same host as a sitemap.
- The maximum length of a URL can be 2048 characters.
- A sitemap can HAVE up to 50,000 URLs.
- The maximum filesize for a sitemap is 50 MB.
If your sitemap is large enough, you can split or split it into multiple sitemaps for which you will need to add a sitemap index file. It's similar to a normal sitemap, but some tags have different names here. You can see the following example:
1 <? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
2 <sitemapindex xmlns = ”http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9 ″>
3 <Sitemap>
4 <loc> http://www.website.com/sitemap1.xml </ loc>
5 </ sitemap>
6 <Sitemap>
7 <loc> http://www.website.com/sitemap2.xml </ loc>
8 </ sitemap>
9 </ sitemapindex>
Here the sitemap links two sitemaps to the index file using the <loc> tag. If you think about it, one sitemap index file can theoretically link around 50,000 sitemaps.
How to validate the sitemap
Everyone knows how easy it is to find the bug with your code. That's why it's a great way to validate our sitemap before submitting it so that it is error-free. By the way, there are a lot of free tools on the internet to check the validity. However, we use the Google Webmaster Tools to test XML sitemaps. To do this, click the Add / Test Sitemap button located under Optimization> Sitemap. With this button, we can check this before we send the sitemap.
Inform search engines
Now that you've created and validated the sitemap, it's time to talk about it; to search engines. To let you know, Google and Bing will need to provide the location of your sitemap. For Google, you need to sign in to your account. Then you have Optimization> Sitemaps. the "Add Sitemap" button. Where to paste the sitemap URL and work is done. For Bing, you must use Bing Webmaster Tools to submit the sitemap as well as the location of the sitemap.
You can also ENTER your URL in the robot.txt file. For which you need to write the line.
Sitemap: https://seobloggingpk.blogspot.com/sitemap.xml
If you have a sitemap index file, you don't need to add an extra line.
Conclusion | What is a sitemap | how do I create it
I think you must have fully understood the importance of the sitemap by now if you want to
If no page on your website is missed, you need to make sure that these crawlers don't miss any pages. You can also use it to create a sitemap for video and images. And once you've created a sitemap, don't forget to validate it and let search engines know.
I sincerely hope that I have given you complete information about What is a sitemap and how do I create it? and I hope that you all understood What is a sitemap and how do I create it?. I ask all of you, readers, to share this information about What is a sitemap and how do I create it? in your neighborhood, with relatives, friends, and friends so that we are aware and that everyone benefits greatly from What is a sitemap and how do I create it?. I need your support to be able to send you new information.
I have always tried to help my readers or readers everywhere. If you have any doubts you can irresponsibly ask me. I will certainly try to dispel these doubts. Please let us know by leaving a comment What is a sitemap and how do I create it? so that we too can learn something from your ideas and improve something.